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At that time the worst streamer raged on Twitch, today his heirs rule

Ice Poseidon (27) is the name of the probably worst streamer, which has ever driven his capture on Twitch. Meinmom reports for you about him why he is still banished by the streaming platform and whom he has left as heirs.

Paul Ice Poseidon Denino was known to organize streams in which he sought social contacts to strangers. His spectators celebrated his open, direct nature and how he interacted with other people.

On Twitch it was to Poseidon s time, so around 2016, not allowed to stream IRL content, but only show video games live. The then held mobile game Pokémon Go was his remedy to stream Irl without breaking the then valid rules of Twitch.

When Irl became his own category and Twitch thus allowed to stream out of games, ICE had a significant advantage for his streamer competition. He had already gained experience and built a big community.

ICE Poseidon designed its streams: Poseidon was very important in his streams that his community is in the foreground, he allowed the community to influence his streams and even his life:

The community was allowed to determine what he does. His spectators knew where exactly he lives and were allowed to visit him at home. The fans were allowed to choose where he moves when he moved. You could easily talk to him on the street. Poseidon had to complete Challenges, who made him the community.

His spectators were almost always with him and knew about 99% of the time when Denino stopped. This called many toxic people on the plan that only trolls the streamer and wanted to harm him.

The Irl King is dethront from Twitch forever

These problems arose from the streaming concept: The fans always knew where ICE Poseidon stopped and where he lived, made him a perfect victim for swatting.

The swatting is an emergency call to the police and tells them that a person emanates a serious threat or a criminal offense. A special unit in the house of said person, which surrounds the alleged offender with a drawn weapon.

SWATTING eventually became a popular means to annoy streamers afraid or play a supposed prank from boredom. So also with Poseidon.

What led to Ice Poseidon s Permabann on Twitch? The streamer was banned over 40 times and banned temporarily from Twitch.

His permaban took place on April 28, 2017 after a SWAT team was called to an airplane in which ICE Poseidon sat. The caller claimed that Denino smuggled a bomb to board.

This use of the special commands hit so high waves that even reported in American news.

Ice Poseidon moved to YouTube and Mixer

What did ICE Poseidon after his permaban? When ICE could no longer return to Twitch, he decided to go to the competition. YouTube should be his new platform he took most of his twitch fans. There he was still very successful.

On August 1, 2019, Poseidon decided to try mixers. Mixer was a distinguished streaming platform of Microsoft at that time and became his new home.

On Mixer, he built up a new, less toxic spectacitor he could keep one year until the page turned tightly on July 22, 2020.

After the end of Mixer Denino wrote a statement on Twitter with an open letter to Twitch and asking him again:

ICE says he had become older and more mature. He learned from his mistakes and wants a 2nd chance of Twitch. The streaming service is silent on this statement and until today ICE Poseidon is banned on Twitch.

What makes Ice Poseidon today? Denino uses his Twitter account still active and rarely streams on his Youtube channel. If he was streaming on YouTube, he pursues his IRL concept and films in social interactions or in his home (via YouTube).

However, ICE writes that he is looking for a goal in life and not so much what he should do. He feels unfulfilled and left out (Via Twitter).

How much of Ice Poseidon can be seen in today s Twitch? Even if the streamer is already banned for four years, Ice Poseidon acts today like a pioneer of the 2021 twitch. The platform has shifted greatly in the direction that the Streamer preferred in 2016:

Interaction with the chat today is the success model of the most successful streamers on Twitch as XQC Provocative content is also in 2021 a success model, as you can see on streamers as Amouranth, TFUE, Montana Black or re XQC Former employees and associates of Ice Poseidon as Mizkif are now among the most successful and influential streamers on Twitch, they are his heirs

1. Heiress: Kaitlyn Michelle Amouranth Siragusa

Who is Amouranth? Amouranth (via Twitch) with its pool and ASMR streams the most popular Streamerin on Twitch, but also the most hated. She is known for extremely permissive perform in their streams and lick her microphone when viewers shell out a corresponding amount.

Amouranth is too bad for nothing and has been banned due to sexist content has often Twitch. With its liberal policies, it is one of the most successful Streamerinnen on Twitch (via sullygnome):

Follower Count: 4,598,053 Average Attendance: 10,000 Almost 20,000 subscribers

What did they do with Ice Poseidon Amouranth mentioned in an interview with kotaku that it sees itself as the heir of the former IRL-King (via kotaku). She had also briefly touch with Ice Poseidon itself and is a friend of the streamer Mizkif, the second heir of Denino.

According Amouranth are they and Mizkif the brood of the same king.

2 . Heritage: Matthew Mizkif Rinaudo

Who is Mizkif? Mizkif (via Twitch) is since 2016 on Twitch. He streams, especially in the Just Chatting category or games like Super Mario 64, Rust and LoL.

Moreover, once he organized a Subathons who had a rule that the stream will be extended for a period of time when viewers his Twitch channel subscribe or donate money.

MizKif Responds Hasan | HasanAbi Slams Mizkif | Sykkuno on Arguing, People Mizkif heard just like Amouranth, the largest streamers on Twitch and recorded these achievements (via sullygnome):

Follower Count: 1,605,787 Average Attendance: 23,000

Approximately 23,000 subscribers

What did he do with Ice Poseidon Mizkif was from 2018 the cameraman from Ice Poseidon and thus belongs to the closest circle around Ice Poseidon. According to Ice Poseidon he has today with Mizkif hardly contact, which is now always busy like this.

Mexican Andy unbanned on Twitch after 4 years

Who is Mexican Andy? Mexican Andy is a former stalker of Ice Poseidon and appeared again and again in its streams. Andy denied it vehemently that he was a stalker and just happened to meet on Denino.

And starring on Ices streams Mexican Andy was always known and opened his own Twitch channel on which he streamed successful.

He was, however, banned even from Twitch because he belonged to Ice Poseidon Group, injuring the guidelines of the platform.

Come Ice Poseidon After Andy after 4 years, was unbanned by Twitch on 22 October 2021 again back to Twitch? (Via Twitter) and now with the pseudonym Scufious streams (via Twitch), hope to some that Ice Poseidon is also unbanned.

It could be part of a wave of streamers Twitch year released again after their original spell. Some suspect so wanted Twitch keep increasing competition from YouTube Gaming at bay: YouTube had recently recruited some big Twitch streamer.

But not even his heirs believe that the king of the IRL streams returns to twitch.

Mizkif is certain: Denino will never Twitch unbanned (via dexerto). Mizkift says Ice Poseidon could support an orphanage, even that one would interpret it so that it has the orphanage previously set fire to delete it afterwards.


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