The Stretched Resolution is a controversial topic Indeed by Daylight. Cheat!, Say the one. Is pretty, the others claim. Dead by Daylight simply includes smaller quarrels in the community. Either you get excited about too strong killers, too strong survivors or new bugs. However, a topic returns again and again. The so-called Stretched Resolution, that is, the converted resolution. This is considered a clear cheat. What s going on at Dead By Daylight? Already for months, a topic cooks at Dead by Daylight again and again. It circulates pictures and shots of players who apparently have a fairly distorted screen resolution. Instead of playing in the usual 16: 9, the game is often shown in weird resolutions in which the width contains exactly as many pixels as the height — i.e. 1: 1. This is possible by a manipulation of the game data — these options are not offered by the game itself. Why is that problematic? The perspective in Dead by Daylight is extremely important because it dec